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ICTV Work Recognized

Contributed by Antoinette Di Ciaccio on 11/13/03 

Two Ithaca College television programs won first place and three others were finalists in competitions at the National College Media conference in Dallas last week.

Newswatch 16's October 16, 2003, newscast was awarded best of show for broadcast news by Associated Collegiate Press. Newswatch 16 was the only newscast to receive ACP recognition.

The Collegiate Broadcasters' National Student Production Award for best television sports play by play went to the 2002 Ithaca v. Buffalo State football game. Announcers were Adam Aurand '04 and Keith Hannon '04.

Finalists in the Collegiate Broadcasters competition were Newswatch 16 for best newscast, Newswatch 16 for best sportscast, and Election Center 2002 for technical excellence.

Eloise Greene, manager of television operations, and Christopher Wheatley, manager of radio operations, conducted sessions for students and new advisers at the conference. They serve on the program committee for College Media Advisers' March conference in New York City.

Contributed by Antoinette Di Ciaccio

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