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Jean Hardwick, Jessica Peakcock '05, Danielle Federico '05, Jeremy Dobson '03, Brenna Corbett '03, and Melanie Powers '01 presented two posters at the Society of Neuroscience meetings in New Orleans this month.

Presented at the general meeting were: Hardwick, Jean C.; Dobson, Jeremy S.; Corbett, Brenna M.; and Powers, Melanie J.: "Ionic mechanisms of histamine and prostaglandin modulation of guinea pig intracardiac neurons."

Also, presented at the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience poster session:
Federico, Danielle; Peacock, Jessica; and Hardwick, Jean C.: "Neuropeptide innervation of the axolotl cardiac ganglion."

Jean Hardwick was elected to serve as president-elect of the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience (FUN) for the coming year. She just completed her two-year term as secretary of the organization. FUN is an international organization focused on neuroscience education and research at the undergraduate level. FUN members and supporters include businesses and organizations, private liberal arts colleges, state and research universities, and individual faculty and students, all sharing a common interest in undergraduate neuroscience.

For more information:

Contributed by Nancy Pierce

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