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The Office of First Year Programs and Orientation would like to announce the dates for summer 2004 orientation:

  • Session 1: Monday, June 21-Wednesday June 23
  • Session 2: Wednesday, June 23-Friday, June 25
  • Session 3: Monday, June 28-Wednesday, June 30
  • Session 4: Wednesday, June 30-Friday, July 2
  • Session 5: Wednesday, July 7-Friday, July 9
  • Session 6: Monday, July 12-Wednesday, July 14
  • Session 7: Thursday, August 19-Saturday, August 21
  • First-year students will move in Saturday, August 21
  • Continuing orientation: Saturday, August 21-Tuesday, August 24

If you have any questions, e-mail us at!

Contributed by Vickie Clairmont

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