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The holiday season is upon us and we would like to inform you of some opportunities to give to those in need.

  • Share the Warmth: The sorting party will be held December 8 in the North Meeting Room at 6:00 p.m. for anyone interested in helping to sort the donated clothing.
  • Donate a Book: Bring a book to the holiday luncheon for the Family Reading Partnership.
  • Caring and Sharing: Help staff members have a wonderful holiday by adopting a family or donating food to this Staff Council committee.
  • Cops, Kids, & Toys: Donate a toy to this annual campaign that will brighten a local child's holiday!
The Community Service Program would like to show appreciation for all the IC community members who have responded so generously to the requests throughout the year. Happy holidays, and thank you for your continued dedication to serve our community!

Contributed by Deborah Mohlenhoff

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