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Louise Donohue, from the modern languages and literatures department, recently gave a public lecture at the Roberson Museum in Binghamton entitled "Santons and Christmas Traditions in France."

The talk was part of a public education program on international customs and traditions that includes a number of Saturday workshops for children. Donohue will be leading a workshop this Saturday, 1:00-3:00 p.m., at the museum on Front Street in Binghamton.

For those who are not familiar with this museum, it has a very nice holiday display every year, featuring trees decorated by representatives from a wide variety of different cultures, as well as displays on Hannukah and Ramadan. It is well worth the trip, and Louise Donohue has a few free passes (valid any time) for anyone who might like them. Her number is 4-1572 and the Roberson's number is 772 0660. Joyeux Noël!

Contributed by Louise Donohue

Lecture and Children's Workshop | 0 Comments |
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