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In order for Information Technology Services (ITS) to be able to plan for future Novell upgrades it is necessary to make a change to the way network printing is set up on all Windows 98 and XP computers (Macs are not affected).

This change will require each faculty and staff member to create a new printer profile for each network printer that they print to. The instructions for creating a new profile are detailed in our Quick Guides, available online:

All staff and faculty will need to make the change sometime between now and December 23. We encourage users to make the change sooner rather than later in case any problems arise. As of December 24, users will not be able to print to network printers using the "old" printer profiles. Please contact the ITS Helpdesk, 274-3282, if you have any questions or encounter problems.

Contributed by Wendy Pearle

Network Printing Change Required | 0 Comments |
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