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The Parnassus HR, payroll, and finance systems will not be available from noon on Sunday, December 21, through Monday, January 5, 2004, so that essential maintenance can be performed on those systems.

Payslips for the December 31 semi-monthly pay date can be viewed online from Thursday, December 18, through noon on Sunday, December 21. Please note that although you can view semimonthly payslips beginning December 18, funds will not be available for withdrawal until December 31.

In addition, any financial or human resource transactions that need to be completed prior to January 5, must be entered and approved online before noon on Thursday, December 18, in order to allow completion of the transaction prior to the shutdown on December 21.

This shutdown is required for Parnassus database and application upgrades and affects all human resource, payroll, and financial applications, including purchasing and accounts payable. We appreciate your cooperation and regret the inconvenience this may cause.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact either the Office of Human Resources, 274-1317, or the Office of Financial Services,, 274-7088.

The Parnassus Steering Committee

Contributed by Ed Fuller

Parnassus Shutdown over Holiday Break | 0 Comments |
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