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A New Look for iProcurement

Contributed by Gail Wagner on 01/06/04 

iProcurement has a new look! The Purchasing Department would like Parnassus users to note the overall new look of iProcurement.

The changes are basically cosmetic and give the home page and requisition pages a cleaner, easier–to-read look plus a few new added features that we feel you will really like.


  • A more streamlined, easier-to-read home page.
  • "Non-Catalog Request" and "Receiving" functions are now tabs at the top of the home page for ease of use or links at the bottom of the page.
  • iProcurement home page is now referred to as the "Shop" tab or link.
  • The “Receiving” page has been slightly redesigned but functions basically the same as before.
New features:
  • You may now do funds (budget) checking right within the iProcurement requisition before submitting for approval.
  • You may now withdraw and cancel a line within the iProcurement requisition.
More detailed information about these revisions may be obtained at the ACE page by clicking on the Parnassus tab, then the "Financial Support Documents Index" link under the logon. Then click on "iProcurement Users" link.

Please call the Purchasing Department with any questions you may have or sign up for one of our drop-in sessions posted on the ACE page after tabbing to "Parnassus" and clicking on the "Support and Training" link.

Related Links
  • ACE home page
  • Purchasing Department

    Contributed by Gail Wagner

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