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Dine-A-Mates Still Available

Contributed by George Valesente on 01/14/04 

For those of you who may have missed the initial offer to purchase a Dine-A-Mate book in the fall, there are 19 available at this time from the Ithaca College Baseball Team.

The Dine-A-Mate book offers local and national discount coupons that save buyers up to 50 percent off the regular price. The coupons offer discounts in dining, travel, recreation, and entertainment. There are also coupons for local merchandise and services such as car washes and video rental. This year's edition is much improved from years past and should be more user friendly within the local and surrounding area.

Proceeds raised from this community service help send the baseball team on its spring trip.

Send a $20 check-- payable to Ithaca College Baseball -- with your office address to George Valesente, 108 Ceracche Athletic Center. Coach Valesente will process your order and deliver the discount book to your office. Call with questions, 274-3749.

Contributed by George Valesente

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