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New Parking/Bus Permits Delayed

Contributed by Robert Holt on 01/16/04 

As a result of a production problem with the Ithaca College Faculty-Staff parking permit/bus passes by the Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, not all of the new 2004 permit/passes will be out to all staff and faculty before January 15, 2004 -- the expiration date of the old permit/pass.

The old 2003 bus passes will continue to be honored by the TCAT bus drivers through Monday, January 19, 2004.

All of the faculty and staff should have their 2004 permit/pass by that date. Contact Parking & Traffic Services if you should have a question.

Thank you for your cooperation,
Parking & Traffic Services

Contributed by Robert Holt

New Parking/Bus Permits Delayed | 0 Comments |
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