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President Peggy Williams has announced the appointment of a Presidential Task Force on Diversity co-chaired by Brian McAree, vice president for Student Affairs and Campus Life, and Nancy Pringle, vice president and College Counsel.

Serving on the task force will be:

Larry Shinagawa, associate professor and director of the Center for Culture, Race and Ethnicity
Terry Martinez, director of the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement
Traevena Byrd, director of Affirmative Action
Marty Turnbull, director of Human Resources
Ellen Staurowsky, professor, Sport Management and Media
Raquel Wright '04, Sociology major, student representative
The task force will review closely the Ithaca College Institutional Plan and make recommendations about "next steps" to assure the College's priority to "create a campus environment that accepts, reflects, and celebrates diversity." The task force will examine/evaluate what efforts are currently in place at Ithaca College that promote or address the institutional diversity priority. In doing so, the task force will make recommendations as to how the College could better coordinate its efforts, reduce overlap, and improve the effectiveness of our efforts.

For this review, the task force will examine:
  • What is working well and should be continued;
  • What is not working so well and needs improvement or should be discontinued;
  • Identify new efforts that need to be developed to ensure the achievement of our goals.
  • The task force will attempt to complete its work by the end of the spring semester 2004. It will make recommendations to President Williams about what the College's next step should be in order to achieve the goals set forth in the College's institutional plan.

    Related Link:
  • IC Institutional Plan

    Contributed by Brian McAree

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