Two important events highlighting pieces of our nation's past begin the College's observance of Black History Month in February.
Within Our Gates
Monday, February 2, 2004
4:00 p.m. in Park Auditorium
The Office of Multicultural Affairs and Cinema on the Edge present a screening of Oscar Micheaux's 1922 classic silent film. The film will be accompanied by live jazz and improvisational rescoring by Fe Nunn Musical Productions, led by Ithaca musician, Fe Nunn '80.
William F. Pepper
Tuesday, February 3, 2004
7:00 p.m. in Park Auditorium
Author of An Act Of State -- The Execution of Martin Luther King,
Dr. William Pepper will present and discuss his view that the assassination of
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a conspiracy and an execution. Come and hear his case for yourself.
Related Links:
William Pepper on San Diego
Office of Multicultural Affairs Events Calendar
Intercom: "Film Score World Premiere Kicks Off Black History Month"
Contributed by Stephanie Adams