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As we returned from Winter Break, I informed you of the sad news that one of our students, Erika Watson, a senior from Middletown, Connecticut, was killed in an automobile accident on Saturday, January 17. She majored in art in the School of Humanities and Sciences. An on-campus service to celebrate Erika's life has now been scheduled for Muller Chapel on Wednesday, February 11, at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend.

Also, a number of people have inquired as to whether there is an organization to which a donation could be made in Erika's memory. Mr. and Mrs. Watson have indicated that a special youth theater group of which Erika was part throughout her life would be a very appropriate recipient of donations. Please make your contribution to:

Oddfellows Playhouse
Youth Theater
Children Circus
128 Washington Street
Middletown, CT 06457
Brian McAree
Vice President, Student Affairs/Campus Life

Contributed by Brian McAree

Memorial Service Set for Erika Watson | 0 Comments |
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