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Contributed by Mark Darling on 02/09/04 

The OSCAR room will be staffed Monday and Wednesday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Stop in and check it out.

What is OSCAR?

OSCAR (Office Supply Collection And Reuse) is a program to collect and redistribute reusable office supplies among Ithaca College offices, departments, and student organizations. OSCAR is a place where you can bring unwanted but useful supplies from your office so that other departments on campus can use them. It's also a place to find usable items, donated by others, for your office.

Don't keep surplus items cluttering up your space. Bring them to OSCAR. Stop by OSCAR before you purchase new supplies. OSCAR is a FREE service.

Sample Items:

  • manila/pendaflex folders
  • a Mac printer w/ cords
  • many rolodexes
  • floppy disc storage boxes
  • ink cartridges
  • paper clips, rubber bands, and binders
  • 3-ring binders
  • obsolete stationery (for scrap paper)
  • desk accessories
  • campus mail envelopes
  • video/audio tapes
  • any SMALL and LOW-VALUE item
  • Here's how it works:
    OSCAR is located in Philips Hall Room 196, right across the hall from the ITS Main Office. An Ithaca College staff or faculty member may sign out a key from the TISS (formerly ACCS) Help Desk, located at 102 Muller Center, during their regular hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Student organizations should contact for access or simply drop in during the regularly staffed hours.

    OSCAR is maintained by REMP, the Resource and Environmental Management Program.

    Contributed by Mark Darling

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