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Upcoming Workshops at the Library

Contributed by Fiona Conn on 02/16/04 

The following are Library Research Workshops for February and March 2004. All workshops will take place in the Library Classroom -- Gannett 319.

Searching the Biological Databases: John Henderson
February 17 (Tuesday); noon and 4:30 p.m.
February 18 (Wednesday); 4:30 p.m.

Teaching and Learning with ERIC Services: John Hickey
February 25 (Wednesday); 5:00 p.m.
The ERIC system provides a wealth of scholarly research and applied curriculum guides for teaching and training a multitude of subjects and all age groups. The presentation will cover the two parts of the ERIC database, the scholarly journal portion, and the ERIC documents -- case studies, project reports, curriculum materials -- that are now available online to the College community. It will also cover specialized clearinghouses that developed the database -- on applied linguistics, bilingual and language learning -- and finally, means of free access to ERIC.

How to Cite Online Sources: APA and MLA: Brian Saunders
February 26 (Thursday); 4:30 p.m.

Finding Scholarly Resources: Jennifer Strickland
March 1 (Monday); 4:30 p.m.
Learn to sift through the vast array of information resources and to distinguish between popular and scholarly publications, websites, and databases. This will be a hands-on workshop with access to both popular and scholarly sources in print and online.

How to Cite Online Sources: APA and MLA: Brian Saunders
March 2 (Tuesday); 4:30 p.m.
This workshop will focus on how to apply the latest APA and MLA citation formats for electronic resources. General rules will be reviewed and your particular problems can be addressed. Print guides provided.

Searching the Cochrane Library: Evidence-based Medical Research: Lee Smigiel
March 4 (Thursday); 4:00 p.m.

Finding Primary Sources -- Women's History: Bridget Bower
March 16 (Tuesday); 4:00 p.m.
Celebrate Women's History Month and learn how to locate sources of information that provide firsthand or eyewitness accounts of events.

Contributed by Brian Saunders

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