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The Office of the Bursar will hold its second annual Celebration of Service Auction on Friday, April 16. This year's proceeds will be split between the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the Tompkins County SPCA.

We need your help in making our auction a success. One of the best ways you can help is by donating goods or services to be auctioned off. We will have a silent and a live auction as well as prize balloons.

Please help us with this fun and worthwhile project by contributing anything you feel would be a good auction item! Last year's auction included original art work and photos, handmade jewelry, crocheted and knit items, antiques, floral arrangements, and much more.

Be creative: can you cook, sew, baby sit, donate time to clean something? Any and all contributions will be gratefully accepted! Please contact Mary Lapp (274-3813) or Kathy Holley (274-1213) to make a donation.

Don't forget to save our auction date, April 16! More auction details will follow in subsequent editions of Intercom.

Related Links:

  • Office of the Bursar
  • Tompkins County SPCA
  • Make-A-Wish Foundation

    Contributed by Anne Woodard

  • Auction Donations Needed for Benefit | 0 Comments |
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