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On Monday, March 1, 2004, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites, Career Services and Sigma Iota Epsilon will sponsor the Ithaca College Spring Job and Internship Fair.

Themed, "To Your Future and Beyond," the event features organizations offering full-time opportunities, internships, and summer jobs. Students attending the event can expect to explore career opportunities, network with employers, and possibly schedule an interview. Information about participating organizations can be found on the Career Services website.

Career Services and Sigma Iota Epsilon would like to invite faculty, staff and administrators to stop by the event, and also ask for your assistance in helping to inform students about it.

Contributed by John Fracchia

'To Your Future And Beyond!' -- Job and Internship Fair 2004 | 0 Comments |
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