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The Office of Multicultural Affairs, on behalf of the African Latino Society, announces that the deadline for Ithaca College community members to nominate an Ithaca College ALANA (African-American, Latino/a, Asian, or Native-American) student to be considered for the 2004–2005 African Latino Society Alumni Memorial Scholarship has been extended until Wednesday, March 3.

This scholarship honors high-achieving ALANA students who have made significant contributions to multicultural awareness and to the well being of ALANA students on the Ithaca College Campus. Students may be nominated by IC alumni, faculty, administrators, staff, or other IC students. Students may also nominate themselves.

Please access and print the nomination form and find more details about the scholarship at the OMA website. Nomination forms are also available at the OMA Administration Office, 324 Egbert Hall, or in OMA Student Services, 101 Towers Concourse. Please contact Stephanie Adams, OMA assistant director, at 274-3381 for further information.

Again, nominations are due Wednesday, March 3, 2004, in either OMA office.

Related Links:

  • 2004-2005 African Latino Society Alumni Memorial Scholarship: Information and Criteria
  • Office of Multicultural Affairs

    Contributed by Margaret Adams

  • ALS Scholarship Deadline Extended to March 3 | 0 Comments |
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