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Every year several seniors fail to graduate because they are a few credits short of the required number needed for their program. To help address this situation, the Department of Health Promotion and Human Movement announces "GAP" -- the Graduation Assistance Program.

GAP offers three courses targeted to seniors who need one to three credits to graduate. The courses are 662-22700-03 Stress: Its Nature and Management (3 credits), 662-39901-01 Selected Topics in Health: Health and Stress: Coping with Life's Challenges (1 credit), and 662-39902-01 Selected Topics in Health: Work and Stress: Strategies for Wellness (2 credits).

These courses are liberal arts, offered second block, and taught online. Faculty advisers please inform any of your seniors who would benefit from this opportunity. Seniors need permission of the instructor to enroll.

For more information about the courses, see or contact Deborah Wuest at 4-3108.

Contributed by Deborah Wuest

New Courses for Seniors Short on Graduation Credits | 0 Comments |
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