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The annual James J. Whalen Academic Symposium will be held on Monday, March 22, 2004, in the Ithaca College Campus Center (Emerson Suites, Clark Lounge, and Klingenstein Lounge), beginning at 9:00 a.m. and continue throughout the day.

A program of presentations by students from all five schools of the College and the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies will feature work they have accomplished in collaboration with faculty sponsors.

Research projects in anthropology, art history, biology, business, chemistry, communication, economics, English, environmental studies, gerontology, history, legal studies, mathematics, philosophy and religion, physics, politics, psychology, and sport management and media as well as original written works and art will be presented. Students from the Martin Luther King Scholars Program will give presentations on their recent trip to Ghana.

The presentations are the result of course work, independent studies and research projects, seminars, and honors projects. Over 80 presentations involving work by more than 100 students will constitute the program.

A reception for the student presenters, faculty sponsors, and conveners in recognition of their work will be held in the Klingenstein Lounge at 4:00 p.m. This event is free and open to the public.

The symposium program is published on-line: James J. Whalen Academic Symposium

Contributed by Garry L. Brodhead

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