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Take a Child to Work Day

Contributed by Jo Anne Rosato on 03/04/04 

Mark your calendars for April 7, 2004

The sixth annual "Take a Child to Work Day" has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 7. This event is organized in conjunction with the national Ms. Foundation's "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work"® Day, which is scheduled for April 22.

The "Take a Child to Work Day" Committee is an official ad hoc committee through the Office of Human Resources at Ithaca College. The following is our mission statement:

"Take a Child to Work Day" offers Ithaca College employees the opportunity to bring children to
  • campus to learn about careers and educational opportunities, promote self-esteem in children,
  • and help make a connection for families between home and career.
  • Our committee is currently finalizing this year's program geared toward girls and boys ages 10 to 16. The registration form, as well as a schedule of this year's sessions, will be placed in Intercom in the next couple of weeks.

    For more information regarding the event, please contact any of the following committee members:

    We look forward to an exciting day on campus.

    Contributed by Jo Anne Rosato

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