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Coffee with Marian Brown

Contributed by Susanne Morgan on 03/12/04 

Have you noticed that Marian Brown seems to be everywhere recently? Do you want to meet her? Do you want to find out more about the College's Sustainability Initiative?

Come to our faculty coffee hour Wednesday, March 17, 10:00-11:00 a.m. in the McDonald Lounge of the Campus Center. Free coffee -- stop in for a minute or stay to chat.

Note that the coffee hour is scheduled on Wednesdays for the rest of the semester. Future guests include Chris Pogorzala of the IC/Longview partnership, Tom Torello, director of marketing communications, and Bonnie Prunty, director of residential life.

For information on this and other faculty-related programs, visit the Center for Faculty Excellence website.

Contributed by Susanne Morgan

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