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Oren Lyons (Onondaga, Turtle Clan Faithkeeper) and Tracy Thomas (Mohawk, Wolf Clan) will be speaking on Wednesday evening, 7:00 p.m., in the Klingenstein Lounge, Campus Center.

Oren Lyons is also professor of American studies at SUNY Buffalo. He has spoken before the United Nations and the U.S. Senate. Tracy Thomas is an addiction counselor. Both are accomplished artists whose work is currently on display at the Handwerker Gallery.

Their talk is titled "The Three Brothers: Friends in Life and Art." They are liable to speak on almost any topic, ranging from Native American philosophy to the environment to the symbols and inspirations of their art, life, and formalized friendship relationship. Oren impressed a large audience at IC a few years ago as a C.P. Snow Lecturer. This is a rare opportunity to hear him in a more intimate setting.

For more information, contact Jack Rossen, 274-3326.

Contributed by Jack Rossen

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