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The Ithaca College Department of Modern Languages and Literatures announces its new B.A. program in Italian studies, offered in addition to the existing minor in Italian.

The Italian studies major allows students to specialize in Italian language, literature, and culture while the program's flexibility provides students the opportunity to incorporate interdisciplinary interests if desired.

The Italian section of the DMLL will be offering several new courses. Students may also include up to 12 credits of (approved) courses related to Italian language or culture offered by other departments. The list of approved courses will be available in the DMLL office. For the coming academic year, the department will be offering four upper-level Italian courses: "Parliamo! Italian Conversation I and II," "Italian Contemporary Culture," and "Inferno to Infinity: Italian Literature in Translation." Please spread the word!

For more information, contact Julia Cozzarelli, 414 Muller Faculty Center, 274-3513.

Contributed by Julia Cozzarelli

Announcing a New Major -- Italian Studies | 0 Comments |
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