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Exhibition Extended

Contributed by Cheryl Kramer on 03/16/04 

The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to announce an extended run of the exhibition The Enduring Beauty of Antiquity: Architectural Motifs and the Prints of Gregory Page.

Page, an associate professor of printmaking and drawing at Cornell University and a cofounder of the Ink Shop Printmaking Center/Olive Branch Press in downtown Ithaca, views the body of work on display as "a way of documenting locations through architectural motifs and recording one of the many aspects of the enduring beauty of antiquity."

Cosponsored by the African-Latino Society of Ithaca College and the Handwerker Gallery, the exhibition has been extended until April 4, 2004. For further information please contact Cheryl Kramer, gallery director, at 274-3548.

Contributed by Cheryl Kramer

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