An IC Hope team meeting will be held at 12:05 p.m., Thursday, April 1, 2004, in Williams 225.
The Community Service Program is pleased to announce that recruitment is beginning for this year's American Cancer Society Relay for Life.
We are seeking faculty, staff, or summer students who are interested in taking part in the annual summer event by joining the Ithaca College team, IC Hope.
This year's relay will be held between 7:00 p.m., July 9 and 10:00 a.m., July 10 at the Ithaca High School track. One team member needs to be on the track (walking, running, strolling, skipping, etc.) at all times. Some team members stay overnight to cheer on other team members; others come for whatever part of the event they can. There is food, fun, music, contests, and true team spirit displayed all night long. Team members are required to pay a commitment fee of $10 and attempt to raise $125 each to participate.
Other highlights include a survivor's lap and a luminary ceremony honoring special friends and family. If you cannot walk in the relay, you'll be hearing from our team throughout the summer for additional ways in which you can participate.
For more information, or to join the IC Hope Relay Team, join us for the organizational meeting on Thursday, April 1. If you are not able to attend the meeting, but wish to participate, please contact us so we can keep you informed.
Last year, the IC Hope team raised over $4000 and made some great cross-campus friends and had a lot of fun. We hope you will join us this year.
Barb Belyea and Lynne Pierce
IC HOPE team captains
Contributed by Lynne Pierce