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Bill McKibben to Speak Wednesday

Contributed by Jack Rossen on 03/23/04 

Bill McKibben, noted author, social critic, and environmentalist will speak on Wednesday, March 24, at 7:30 p.m. in Textor 102 as the 2004 C.P. Snow Lecturer.

This year's theme is "Technology: Invasion of the Soul?" His lecture is titled "Staying Human in a Technological Age." For more information, call 274-3326 or e-mail

C.P. Snow was a British philosopher, physicist, biographer, novelist, and social critic who believed that the lack of communication between mainstream scientists, social scientists, and humanists was the greatest obstacle to social progress. Each year, the IC School of Humanities and Sciences sponsors a lecture and a student award that honor this principle.

This year's student award winners, who will receive their awards before the talk, are Eleanor Lahr and Seamus Levine-Wilkinson.

Contributed by Jack Rossen

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