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Career Services is collecting student résumés and cover letters for Resumania '04.

The submitted materials will be added to the office's resource library for inspirational use by students who are in the process of creating their résumés and cover letters. Participants will be entered into a random prize drawing for one of six gift certificates to the bookstore.

Career Services invites faculty and staff to encourage students to submit their résumés and cover letters via the e-recruiting option available at the Career Center website.

Students will need to register for eRecruiting and then apply to the Resumania "jobs." Entries must be received by April 15, and prizes will be awarded in late April. For more information contact Career Services at 274-3365.

Career Services
eRecruiting at Ithaca College

Contributed by Kristin LiBritz

Resume & Cover Letter Contest...Resumania '04 | 0 Comments |
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