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A biology honors symposium will be presented by Seamus Levine-Wilkinson on "Confirmation of Differential Gene Expression in Two Divergent Host Races of the Pea Aphid" on Thursday, April 15.

The symposium will begin at 4:00 p.m. in CNS 112

Requirements for Honors in Biology
Students with a minimum GPA in biology courses of 3.50 and an overall GPA of 3.30 may apply for honors after they have completed (or are currently enrolled in) 303-30200 Research in Biology no later than the end of their junior year. Application must be made to the Biology Curriculum Committee for admission to honors. The application must include: current GPAs overall, and in biology, and a one-page summary of the proposed research project. The curriculum committee reviews the qualifications of the applicants, certifies that faculty sponsorship has been obtained, and then makes its recommendations to the department. The faculty of the biology department votes on acceptance or rejection of the curriculum committee's recommendation.

Refreshments beforehand (3:45-4:00 p.m.) in the first floor lobby. Please bring your own reusable mug for beverages. Reuse, reduce, recycle!

Biology Seminars
Honors Research in Biology

Contributed by Nancy Pierce

Biology Honors Symposium: Seamus Levine-Wilkinson | 0 Comments |
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