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The last in the Women's History Month Lecture Series will take place Wednesday, March 31, at 5:00 p.m. at the Johnson Museum of Art.

Concluding the series, Unraveled: Body Image Past and Present, will be a panel discussion entitled, "Re-visioning Women's Bodies: Three Points of View." The panel of artists will be comprised of Robin Lasser, Minna Resnick, and IC cinema and photography's Ellie Brown.

Women's History Month Events are cosponsored by Campus Life/Community Development; Cornell Council for the Arts; Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program; Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Visiting Artist Fund; the Carol Tatkon Center; Office for the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs; and the Weiss Community Initiative.

For more information call 255-6464

Contributed by Ellie Brown

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