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IC Change Announces Teach-In

Contributed by Beth Harris on 04/01/04 

An IC student collective, IC Change, presents a teach-in entitled "One-Term President."

This teach-in will feature Lucas Shapiro as a guest speaker at noon on Tuesday, April 6, in Textor 103. The event is free and open to the all.

Shapiro, a former Ithaca College activist, is currently national organizer of the Young Democratic Socialists and a campaigner with the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition.

Students from IC Change will address the following questions at the teach-in: What's at stake in the 2004 elections? How to beat the Bush agenda? What can students do to affect change? What's up with the Democrats and John Kerry? How can advocates for women's rights, racial justice, LGBTQ rights, education-funding, the environment, peace, and civil liberties best work together? How to organize swing-states for the election? What internships, jobs, and volunteer opportunities are there for those interested in these issues?

For more information, contact Students for a Just Peace, one of the organizing groups, at

Contributed by Beth Harris

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