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The Ithacan was named the "Best Weekly College Newspaper in New York State" by the New York Press Association on April 3 at its 2004 spring convention in Saratoga Springs, New York.

The award, the top honor in NYPA's annual Better College Newspaper Competition, was for issues published during the 2003 calendar year. New York University's Washington Square News won the award for best daily.

The Ithacan has long dominated the statewide competition, capturing the association's top honor four times in the past five years. This year the paper had its strongest showing to date.

In addition to the paper winning the best weekly award, first place in the general excellence category, second place in the design category, and second place in the website category, the following students were awarded honors:

  • Joe Geraghty ’04, first place, feature story category
  • Katie Maslanka ’06, first place, news story category
  • David Nelson ’05, first place, photography category
  • Rebecca Gardner ’05, second place, photography category
  • Christine Szudzik ’06, second place, feature story category

  • Contributed by Michael Serino

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