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Members of the College community are invited to open forums to discuss common core experiences for all IC students. Forums are scheduled for April 15 at 12:10-12:55 p.m., 5:00-5:45 p.m., or 6:00-6:45 p.m. in Whalen 3302.

The Core Experience Task Force was charged by the provost in spring 2003 with the responsibility of identifying five to seven core experiences for all undergraduates. The task force seeks community involvement in this important effort and therefore invites faculty, students, administrators, and staff to any one of three open forums.

The interim report to the provost from the Core Experience Task Force will soon be available online. Notification regarding access to this report will be forthcoming.

Contributed by Janet Reohr

Core Experience Task Force Holds Open Forums | 0 Comments |
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