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The Fulbright Scholar Program is offering lecture and research awards in some 140 countries for the 2005-2006 academic year. The competition opened March 1, 2004.

Opportunities are available not only for college and university faculty and administrators, but also for professionals from business and government, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars, and many others. There are awards in 45 different disciplines and professional fields.

Traditional Fulbright awards are available from two months to an academic year or longer. A short-term grants program -- the Fulbright Senior Specialists Program -- offers two- to six-week grants in a variety of disciplines and fields.

While foreign language skills are needed in some countries, most Fulbright lecturing assignments are in English. Application deadlines for 2005-2006 awards are:

  • May 1, 2004, for Fulbright Distinguished Chair awards in Europe, Canada, Israel, and Russia
  • August 1, 2004, for Fulbright traditional lecturing and research grants worldwide
  • November 1, 2004, for the summer German Studies Seminar and for spring/summer seminars in Germany, Korea, and Japan for academic and international education administrators
  • Rolling deadline for Fulbright Senior Specialists Program
  • Get more information, register, and apply online at For more information about the Fulbright Scholar Program's traditional grants and other opportunities, visit the website, e-mail, or call (202) 686-7877.

    The Fulbright Scholar Program is sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

    Contributed by Howard Erlich

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