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You are invited to attend the closing segment of our ongoing series, Engaging Democracy and Troubling the Water. Jairam Reddy, associate research fellow in higher education, Human Sciences Research Council (Pretoria, South Africa), will speak on "Global Civil Society, Higher Education, and Democracy," at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 19, in the Park Hall Auditorium.

Please encourage your colleagues and students to attend. Reddy is one of the foremost authorities in the world today on the impact of globalization on higher education. In addition to his work at the Human Sciences Research Council, he serves on the council of United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan. From 1990 to 1994, he was the vice chancellor of the University of Durban-Westville. In 1995, he was appointed chair of the National Commission on Higher Education of South Africa, which provided the framework for the transformation of South African higher education following the end of apartheid.

Don't miss what promises to be an informative and interesting evening. All are welcome.

Tanya R. Saunders
Assistant Provost/Dean of Interdisciplinary and International Studies

Contributed by Tanya R. Saunders

Expert on Globalization and Higher Education to Close Lecture Series | 0 Comments |
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