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April 14: "Death, Dying, and Elder Care: Guideposts from the Judeo-Christian Traditions" by Michael McKenzie, Ph.D., Department of Philosophy and Religion, Keuka College.

This presentation in the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute's Workshop Series will take place on Wednesday, April 14, 1:30-4:30 p.m., in Clark Lounge.

A quick review of relevant literature suggests that both Judaism and Christianity have a lot to say about death, dying, and caring for the elderly. Such insights are important for a number of reasons: not only for patients who might belong to these religions, but also to care-givers, family, and friends in such traditions, and to those curious about what insight these religions might bring to a difficult subject.

This workshop will facilitate group discussions of relevant case studies and present a fast-paced treatment of relevant sources. Religion and spirituality are no longer "taboo topics" in health care -- come see how spiritual traditions can contribute toward proper ethics of elder care.

ICGI workshops are free for Ithaca College faculty, staff, and students on a space-available basis. If you plan to attend please take a minute to register online and, in the comments section of the form, note your affiliation with IC -- or contact Terry A. Beckley, 274-1967.

Contributed by Terry A. Beckley

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