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E-Portfolios: an Introduction

Contributed by Susanne Morgan on 04/09/04 

On April 23, Glenn Johnson will present a special program on the value of and strategies for web-based collections of student work.

Johnson is project manager of the e-Portfolio Service at Penn State University. Increasingly prominent as an assessment device that also promotes student learning, e-Portfolios are being considered in several different areas of the Ithaca College campus and community. Join us for the presentation on Friday, April 23, noon-1:00 p.m. in the North Meeting Room of the Campus Center.

This program is open to faculty, students, and staff. Coffee and desserts will be provided; feel free to bring your lunch.

Cosponsored by Instructional Technology Services, the Center for Faculty Excellence, and the Office of the Provost.

Contributed by Susanne Morgan

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