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The Office of Financial Services reminds you to reimburse the College for your personal communications.

You are requested to reimburse departmental accounts when you use your office phone, fax, or telephone calling card for long distance personal calls. As the fiscal year is nearing an end, please make any deposits in the near future. These payments should be forwarded to the Bursar’s office with the following information:

  • Account number and name of department to be credited (21 digits—sub-code is 7561 for office phone calls and faxes, 7564 for calling card calls and 7562 for operator assisted calls)
  • Total amount of calls
  • Amount of sales tax to be deposited in account –
  • 8% tax for calls within New York State
  • Total amount of deposit
  • Name of person making the deposit
Contributed by Lynn Eastman

Personal Telephone Call Reminder | 0 Comments |
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