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Financial Education Seminars

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 04/14/04 

You're invited! The Office of Human Resources announces upcoming financial education seminars.

The following presentations will be held on April 22, 2004:

11:00 a.m.-noon
TIAA-CREF- Saving More for Retirement with a Voluntary Tax Deferred Annuity Plan (TDA)
Financing your retirement can be a challenge even with the money you may receive from Social Security and employer-sponsored plans. Find out how contributing to a voluntary tax deferred annuity plan from TIAA-CREF can help you ensure the retirement lifestyle you've always imagined. The following will be discussed:

  • Choosing among alternatives
  • Getting started
  • Starting early, saving more

2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
TIAA-CREF- Getting Ready for Retirement
This seminar is for those individuals who are three to five years away from retirement.

Developing a sound financial strategy for retirement can make a big difference. Now is the time to get answers to some important questions and begin planning. How much income will you need? Where will it come from? Is there a shortfall? Do you need to save more? How will you pay yourself in retirement to meet your needs? What income options best fit your situation?

Come find out how TIAA-CREF can help you get organized, identify your goals, and develop a strategy to help achieve your goals today. Topics will include:
  • Sources of retirement income
  • Evaluating your retirement income needs
  • Income options available from TIAA-CREF
  • Lifetime income

9:30 - 10:30 a.m. or 12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
Social Security Administration- What You Need to Know

This seminar will focus on all benefits payable by SSA. Topics will include:

  • The difference between taking benefits before normal retirement age and waiting until you reach full retirement age.
  • How you can raise your monthly benefits payable.
  • Medicare
All seminars will be presented in the administration annex, Room 115. Please call 274-3245 to make a reservation. Light refreshments will be served.

Contributed by Cheryl Freer

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