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"Ask the Student Expert" about nutrition at the Wellness Clinic on April 21.

The Wellness Clinic presents Andrea Bossone on the topic of nutrition in "Ask the Student Expert" on Wednesday, April 21, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Andrea is an IC junior in clinical exercise science, with nutrition and health minors.

The event is open to the entire IC community. Come to the Wellness Clinic on April 21 and meet Andrea Bossone, our resident student expert on nutrition! If you have any questions about general nutritional facts or general guidelines you can:

  • stop by the Wellness Clinic, in the Center for Health Sciences, room 302
  • call Andrea at 607-274-1301
  • email Andrea your questions at

If your questions or concerns can not be answered on the spot, further research will be conducted and you will receive a response in a timely manner.

To learn more about us and the services we provide, visit Wellness Clinic.

Contributed by Leah Ritchie

The Wellness Clinic Presents Ask the Student Expert | 0 Comments |
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