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SGA Seeking Finance Secretary

Contributed by Russell Martin on 04/14/04 

The Student Government Association is currently accepting applications for its 2004-05 Finance Secretary position.

This is a great hands-on bookkeeping opportunity that will allow a student to work closely with the SGA vice president of business and finance and to help keep monetary records for over 100 student organizations. As this experience will put to use several components of business school curricula, SGA is asking faculty to urge students they feel might excel in this position to apply.

All students with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 and who are in good judicial standing are eligible to apply. In addition, students in this position will be paid $7.00 an hour for up to 20 hours each week.

Please notify your students about this opportunity and encourage them to apply. Applications are available in the Student Activities Center in 311 Egbert Hall and are due back no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, April 22. Please direct interested students to for more information.

Contributed by Russell Martin

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