Only two workshops remain in the spring semester of the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute Workshop Series.
Workshops are held in Clark Lounge and run from 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Our next offering is on April 21 -- "Home is Where the Fun Is," presented by Professor Carol John, Ithaca College Department of Occupational Therapy.
People relocating to senior housing sometimes find that space constraints limit their continued involvement in their favorite leisure activities. This session will provide helpful tips to maximize the functionality of smaller spaces and allow participation in hobbies. We will focus on how space modification and the use of simple assistive devices can enhance accessibility and enjoyment. We will also look at simple affordable devices that can help physically impaired individuals maintain their favorite leisure pastimes and pursuits.
Ithaca College faculty, staff, and students may attend these workshops free of charge on a space available basis. Advance registration is recommended.
For further information contact Terry A. Beckley, 274-1967.
Contributed by Terry A. Beckley