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Several faculty from the Department of Health Promotion and Human Movement presented at a national convention.

The presentations were part of the recent American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance convention in New Orleans.

Mary Bentley served as a panelist in the American Association of Health Education/Professional Preparation program on "Administrative Challenges for Health Education in College and University Settings."

Phoebe Constantinou, with Stephen Silverman, Teachers College Columbia, gave a research presentation on "Female Students' Perceptions Toward Gender-Role Stereotypes in Physical Education."

Srijana Bajracharya and Mary Bentley reported the results of their pilot study in a report entitled "Perceived Health Status and Health Behaviors of a Nepalese Community."

Christine Hopple along with Larry Satchwell Gwinnet of County Public Schools, Snellville, GA, hosted a session on assessment. Their presentation was "Practical Assessment (Really!) in Elementary Physical Education." Ithaca College health and physical education major Kristin Sweeney presided at the session.

Jeff McNamee was a panelist at a session on "Adventure Education and Universality: Special Education? Regular Education? Or All Inclusive?"

George Mario Paul DeMarco, University of Dayton (M.S. Ithaca College), Victor Mancini, and Deborah Wuest presented a session entitled "Research into Action for Teachers and Coaches Seeking Instructional Accountability: Practical Application of the Self-Assessment Feedback Instrument."

Contributed by Deborah A. Wuest

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