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Summer Hours 2004

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 04/20/04 

Peggy Williams is pleased to announce that the College is once again adopting summer hours for 2004. The College's official business hours will end earlier on Fridays -- at 3:00 p.m. instead of 5:00 p.m. This will provide IC employees a chance to get a head start on the summer weekends.

Summer hours will become effective on the Friday following Commencement (May 21) and continue through the first Friday in August (August 6). During the 12 weeks of this period, full time employees will work two fewer hours and receive their usual compensation (37-1/2 hours reduced to 35-1/2, 40 hours reduced to 38 hours).

This policy applies to all full-time, benefits-eligible staff with the exception of bargaining unit employees. For more information, please refer to the policy statement, with answers to many questions, on the Human Resources home page.

Office of Human Resources

Other questions -- contact Martha Turnbull, director of human resources, at 4-3847

Contributed by Martha Turnbull

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