The 11th annual Jim Butterfield Golf Tournament will be held on June 4, 2004.
Proceeds from this tournament go to the Jim Butterfield Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded annually to juniors or seniors in HSHP who exhibit outstanding performance and citizenship. Preference is given to students who plan to pursue teaching careers. This scholarship was established in honor of longtime professor and head football coach, Jim Butterfield.
The tournament will take place at Robert Trent Jones golf course at Cornell University. Tee time is 8:00 a.m. (check-in begins at 7:00 a.m.).
The $100 registration fee includes greens fees, cart, coffee and donuts, luncheon and commemorative gift.
Registration deadline: May 19, 2004.
A registration form is available at Ithaca College Athletics.
If you have any questions please contact Andrea Hink, 607-274-3793.
Contributed by Andrea Hink