Professor Kal M. Telage, Department of Speech Language Pathology, has been awarded a grant.
Kal M. Telage, speech-language pathology, has been awarded a grant for $1500 by the Gerontology Institute. This funding will provide partial support for developing a summer institute to assist faculty at Ithaca College (and beyond) to create digitized instructional visual modules to support oral lectures. This is the second such funding by the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute to support this developmental project.
During the last 5 years Telage has been using, improving, and simplifying the IT features while creating specific learning strategies that can be built into supportive visual instruction. The primary objective is to foster parallel learning by stimulating students to observe, associate, integrate, and connect the content dots during the class lecture, something many students do not do in or out of the classroom.
I have seen this presentation and believe it to be a tool that helps visual and auditory learners. Faculty will be able to reach more students with this methodology. Please contact Kal Telage, 274-3731, if you are interested in seeing a presentation featuring this work.
Contributed by Steven F. Siconolfi