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Feared you'd lost your opportunity to bid on a coveted New York Islanders game jersey signed by Alexei Yashin?

No worries. There is still time to get your bid in. You have until Saturday evening, April 24, at 6:00 p.m. to place a bid on the item of your choice.

Here is an abbreviated list of items available:

  • Hockey stick signed by Tampa Bay Lightning star Pavel Kubina
  • Hockey stick signed by NJ Devils goalie Martin Brodeur
  • Cornell Big Red Hockey Package, including tickets for the 2004-2005 season
  • 2004 NCAA Men's Tournament Basketball - signed by CBS Sports Personalities Greg Gumble, Bonnie Bernstein, & Clark Kellogg
  • YES Network Package
For the entire list, go to SM&M Silent Auction.

For more information, contact Ellen Staurowsky in the Department of Sport Management and Media, 274-1730.

Contributed by Ellen Staurowsky

Sport Management & Media Silent Auction | 0 Comments |
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