Roundtable discussions of sustainability will be held on campus on Monday, May 3, and Wednesday, May 5, from noon to 2:00 p.m. each day.
All interested members of the campus community are invited to attend. Lunch will be provided for the registered participants.
The discussion format is modeled on the institutional plan roundtable format, with the discussion at each table moderated and participants' comments and ideas captured for report. Participants will have structured opportunities to move between the six topic tables to discuss the other areas of interest during each session.
As you can see, the discussion topics for each sustainability round table are linked closely to the current institutional plan priorities. Copies of the relevant sections of the institutional plan will be available at the respective topic table for participants' reference, but it is also suggested that in order to facilitate discussion, interested participants review the institutional plan in advance.
Ithaca College Institutional Plan (PDF document, 494KB)
Seating for the discussions is limited to 48 participants each day. RSVP to Marian Brown, 274-3787 by Thursday, April 28, for the May 3 roundtable and by May 3 for the May 5 roundtable.
Monday, May 3, noon to 1:30 p.m. -- Klingenstein Lounge
- Table 1: What should be the institutional definition and shared understanding of sustainability?
- Table 2: How can exploration of sustainability support institutional planning relative to academic program development?
- Table 3: How can exploration of sustainability support institutional planning relative to diversity?
- Table 4: How can exploration of sustainability support institutional planning relative to enrollment?
- Table 5: How can exploration of sustainability support institutional planning relative to performance-based and experiential learning?
- Table 6: How can exploration of sustainability advance the institution in ways perhaps not as directly connected to the institutional plan?
Wednesday, May 5, noon to 1:30 p.m. -- Clark Lounge
- Table 1: What should be the institutional definition and shared understanding of sustainability? (repeat of 5/3)
- Table 2: How can exploration of sustainability support institutional planning relative to campus facilities?
- Table 3: How can exploration of sustainability support institutional planning relative to quality of student life?
- Table 4: How can exploration of sustainability support institutional planning relative to quality of work life?
- Table 5: How can exploration of sustainability support institutional planning relative to resource development?
- Table 6: How can exploration of sustainability support institutional planning relative to technology?
Since seating is limited, don't forget to RSVP.
Contributed by Marian Brown