The spring faculty conference is an annual celebration of faculty work.
It features presentations by selected recipients of internal support and will take place on Tuesday, May 11, from 9:00 a.m. for coffee until noon, in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center.
- 9:00 -- Coffee and refreshments
- 9:30 -- Susan Weisend, art, "The Art of Printmaking: A Faculty-Student Collaboration"
- 10:00 -- Craig Duncan, philosophy and religion, "Here's Why: The Moral Foundations of the Non-Scriptural State"
- 10:45 -- Steven Skopik, cinema and photography, "Tokyo Totems"
- 11:15 -- Elizabeth Callaghan, Sociology, "The Complete Teacher and Scholar: Integrating Sociology, Law, Teaching, and Writing" and Diane McPherson, writing, "A Harder Piece of Truth: The Power of the First Person Feminine"
Please come for any or all of the sessions.
For more information, contact
Susanne Morgan or visit
The Spring Faculty Conference 2004.
Contributed by Susanne Morgan