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Senior Week Golf Tournament

Contributed by Kathy Farley on 04/28/04 

Senior Week Golf Tounament, Tuesday, May 11. Starts 10:00 a.m., participants must sign in by 9:45 a.m. at the Hillendale Golf Club.

The fee of $42.00 gets you greens fees, cart, donuts, coffee, hot dog, soda at the turn, and chicken or steak dinner. Register at 70 Hill Center or the main office at the Fitness Center by 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 5.

The Office of Recreational Sports welcomes all faculty and staff to participate. If you have any questions, please call Frank Harrison, 274-3290, or Kathy Farley, 274-3294.

Contributed by Kathy Farley

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